Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 15 - Oil Pulling

A few days ago I noticed something. My upper arms have always been really bumpy. I've always said that would be the thing I'd change about myself if I could change something. Well, the skin on the back of my arms has literally never been as smooth as it is now! I don't know for sure, but if oil pulling is supposed to clear up your skin, maybe it is doing that! I didn't use any lotions and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I know the picture doesn't show how smooth it feels, it just looks freckly. Both Heidi and Gray can tell the difference! It's not totally smooth, but let's see if it is by the end of 30 days!

My teeth still seem a little yellow.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 8 - Oil Pulling

Maybe I already took care of my most pressing tooth needs at the dentist: cavities, stains, smoothing. I definitely am not getting sick though! My teeth have sensitivity still in the back. I'll start trying ice cold things on the teeth every night to test the pain. Do my teeth look whiter yet? The sides were the yellowest before. Somebody asked if it made me gag. No gagging, coconut oil is a wonderful thing. Nothing else to report.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 1 - Oil Pulling

Given, it's already January 8th, so the first "30 days" will actually be 23. Let's see how oil-pulling for 23 days works out! This is what I'll be doing:


1) Put a whopping teaspoon of coconut oil in my mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes
2) Spit it out in the trash and rinse

This does not replace anything else, I'm just adding it to my normal routine of brushing and flossing and eating and drinking normally. I'll give you an update as often as possible during the 23 days, complete with pictures, and at the end, I will post the results and changes. I will also report whether or not there were benefits and if they outweigh any cons, and if they do, whether it is worthwhile adding to my lifestyle and if it's practical to do so or not. I will report changes to the following areas:

- overall health (in this case teeth color, cleanliness, how it feels, cavities, gum health, etc.)
- did I get sick
- clearer skin
- headaches
- weight
- stamina
- clothes fitting
- strength
- muscle tension and general soreness
- family climate
- emotional well-being

This means I should include the status of these areas at the start, as well. So, Day 1:


Overall Tooth Health - I don't know. My teeth always feel a little sensitive to cold, and as clean as I can get them. Here's a picture.

Sick - nope

Headaches - nope

Skin - it's not that clear

Weight - 142.6

Stamina - 13-minute mile

Clothes Fitting - N/A

Strength - very weak

Muscle Tension - very sore shoulders & neck ALL the time

Family Climate - alright, on a scale of 1-10 I'd say 6

Emotional Well-Being - grumpy, tired, feel like complaining, a little depressed

END RESULT: Add to lifestyle?? Don't know.